Dec 1…De/fund-Divest…Day of ACTion

Dec 1…De/fund-Divest…Day of ACTion

In solidarity with the humans of Standing Rock, in an effort to educate myself and draw my voice back in shape, I’ll post/reflect/investigate/act every day of December on the issues entangled in the Dakota Excess Pipeline.

Every Day of December is a Day of ACTION


To start things off:

Lets DEFUND DAPL. And start funding things that matter.

If we have accounts with any of the following banks, lets close them. Take our money out and tell the banks why. Ask them to divest from all pipelines and move their own money into renewable energy and genuine community good.


Next, what to do with that money?

I suppose the simplest thing is just to move the money into another bank account. Small local banks or credit unions are what a lot of people are recommending. Lets do our research on whats available around us.

Here’s a short list of other ideas for money:

  • Instead of hoarding our piles/bitsandbytes of money, keep the money flowing, put it to good use.
  • Find young, local projects that need cash to bring their visions to life. Find people in our communities who want to do tangible good.
  • Find a need in our community and use our money to fill that need.
  • Consider starting or joining an income solidarity or capital sharing group.
  • Start a local currency or exchange money into an already existing local currency.
  • Put money into bitcoin and out of government backed economies.
  • What about microfinancing groups?

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